Commercial & Personal Projects

These are a selection of some commercial projects commissioned by some
clients for different purposes and some personal projects I developed as
class material for my students enrolled in the animation programs of the
Art Institute, Max The Mutt Animation School, and Kennedy college of Technology.
Please report on my Contact section any broken link so it can be fixed right away.

"A Lesson of Wu-shu"
"Love at First Stroke"
"Melvis & Elvis"
"Canada DotSeeEh"
"Idylwild Pictures"
"Nuit Blanche TO 2009"
"Interactive book sample"
"VFX: Kemistry"
"Aito Logo"
"Green & Blue"
"In the Dungeon"
"Without Bubbles"
"Coman & the Barbarian"
"Walk cycle sample"
"Walk cycle sample"
"VFX: Space Clash"
"Salty the Seal"
"You're Fired"
"Polipandas animatics"
"Leica reel sample"
"Weight physics"
"VFX: Bang"
"Storyboard samples"
"Life drawing sketches"